The theoretical background of the conference is based on the outcomes of the EAAE Charter on Architectural Research, which emphasises the importance of SDGs in reflecting on how the climate crisis and the ecological transition impact space.Also the work carried on by the New European Bauhaus, which focuses on the same topics from a European perspective, is taken into consideration to discuss the role of architecture in ecological transition. 

To expand on these themes, the conference will focus is on how architecture unlocks nature and will highlight best practice as well as the ambiguities of the discourse about nature in contemporary architectural practice. Using this framework the conference is looking for contributions which inquire into how architecture and research can, as the EAAE Charter states, «understand, explain, anticipate and influence the consequences of these changes», and which explicitly investigate, among others, themes like the typological implication of nature, biodiverse environments and their care, social access and the right to green spaces.


The aim is to gather voices that are able to critically reflect on the relationship between project and nature, to explore and redefine architecture’s role and its theoretical implications for ecological transition.

Contributions can include, among other themes, theoretical research, presentation of best practices, design-driven reflections, and exploratory research.

REFERENCESGandy M. (2022). Natura Urbana. Ecological constellations in urban space. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
Graham, J. and Blanchfield, C. (2016). Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary. Zurich: Lars Muller Publishers.
Gissen, D. (2019). “NATURE.” AA Files, no. 76: 126–29.
Morton, T. (2009). Ecology without nature: Rethinking environmental aesthetics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Leveratto, J. and Rocca, A. (eds.) (2022). Erbario. Una guida del selvatico a Milano. Milano: Mimesis Edizioni
Till, J. (2023). “Architecture criticism against the climate clock”. Architectural Review, April 2023, pp. 6-10.
Turan, N. (2019). Architecture as Measure. New York: Actar Publisher.


Please send the files to the email address:
Deadline for the submission: 20 november 2023

Provide one pdf file with the following information:
- TITLE OF THE PROPOSAL (max 150 characters)
- AUTHOR (Name Surname, University Affiliation, E-mail)
- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (max 300 characters)
- ABSTRACT (in English,  max 2000 characters, spaces included, references and bibliography excluded)
- IMAGES (minimum one, maxiumum three images representative for the proposal, at the end of the text)

Communication of acceptance: 15 december 2023